If your child is four years old by 30 June 2025 you can apply to enrol them in Kindergarten for 2025. At the time of enrolment your child will need to have an ‘up to date’ AIR immunisation history statement. Enrolment packs are available at the Front Office or can be downloaded using the link below.
New Enrolments
Enrolments can be made for Broome Primary School at any time during the school year. Forms for enrolment can be downloaded below, or collected from the front office during business hours. Broome Primary School is a local intake school and you must reside in the Broome Primary School Local Intake Area. View the intake area for our school.
Enrolment forms can be found below for download, or visit the school office for a paper copy. Items 1-4 are compulsory, with 5 and 6 to be filled out as required. The following items should be returned to the school with your enrolment forms:
- Proof of Address (driver’s licence, lease agreement, health care card, utility bill etc)
- Medicare AIR Statement (dated within the last two months)
- Birth Certificate (if available)
If you require assistance in obtaining a Medicare AIR Immunisation History statement, please see further information from Services Australia.
Enrolment forms must be completed in full with at least one alternative contact for your child, in the event of an accident or illness. It is important to keep enrolment details up to date, as well as emergency addresses and contacts. If any of your details change, please notify the front office as soon as possible on 9194 7500.
For re-enrolments, please contact the school front office.
Enrolment Forms:
Complete an application form and contact the school office.